Sybase Sql Anywhere 5.0 Odbc Driver Free Download
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$ sudo odbcinst -i -d -f sqladriver.templateodbcinst: Driver installed. Usage count increased to 1.Target directory is /etcThe odbcinst command usually needs to be installed with root privileges. In the above example, Usage count is displayed as 1, but this is a count, so it may be a different number.
Oracle SQL Developer 1.5 ( supports browsing a selection of third party databases; Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Sybase. Before accessing these databases, you need to download and load the correct third party drivers. You can do this manually or using Check for Updates.
Oracle SQL Developer provides users with the ability to download, install and setup the required third-party drivers using Check for Updates. Once you have downloaded and installed Oracle SQL Developer 1.5
The Problem Using the SQL Anywhere 10 ODBC driver: dbodbc10_r.bundle (or dylib) supplied with SQL Anywhere, it is not possible to connect to an instance of SQLAnywhere either running locally or on the network. Using the SQL Browser, you typically you see an error message similar to:
This occurs because the SQL Anywehere driver is not compatible with the standard Apple/Openlink ODBC administrator library. Instead, it is designed to used solely in conjunction with the SQL Anywhere ODBC administrator library: libdbodm10.dylib. The Solution To remedy this issue, it is necessary to use an ODBC DAM which is linked against the SQLiAnywhere ODBC administrator library: libdbodm10.dylib. This replacement DAM is available from our Tools & Updates page. SQL Anywhere ODBC DAM You can use this DAM to connect to an instance of SQL Anywhere 10 or 11 running on the same machine or across the network- referring to the required instance using the ServerName key of the ODBC datasource. For example, to connect to a local instance: [ODBC Data Sources] SybaseSA = Sybase SQL Anywhere Driver [SybaseSA] Driver=/Applications/SQLAnywhere10/System/lib32/libdbodbc10_r.dylib UID=dba PWD=sql ServerName=demo CommLinks=tcpip (excerpt from odbc.ini file) To connect to a remote instance: [ODBC Data Sources] SybaseSA = Sybase SQL Anywhere Driver [SybaseSA] Driver=/Applications/SQLAnywhere10/System/lib32/libdbodbc10_r.dylib UID=dba PWD=sql ServerName=demo CommLinks=tcpip(HOST=;PORT=2638) (excerpt from odbc.ini file) Notes. The SQL Anywhere ODBC administrator library will not be on the standard library search path by default. Please refer to Technote TNSQ0025 which describes use of the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable for locating dynamic libraries. Please note that DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH must point to the folder containing the ODBC driver you will be using. This is because the ODBC driver has dependencies on other dynamic libraries found in this folder, as indicated below. The SQL Anywhere ODBC library cannot be used to connect to standard ODBC data sources. Thus, it is advisable to store a backup of your original ODBC DAM to be restored later if required. (Do not rename the DAM and leave it in the XCOMP folder or attempt to use both DAMs- as this will cause a conflict). You can store the SQL Anywhere datasource information in the same odbc.ini file used by the Apple/Openlink ODBC Administrator. Remember to edit the damodbc.ini file inside the Omnis:xcomp:ini folder and set the ODBCINI environment variable to point to your odbc.ini file if required. For example,
You cannot use the SQL Anywhere 11 ODBC driver with the non-Unicode version of Omnis Studio 4.2/4.3. Please refer to the troubleshooting section below for details. ODBC Driver Required Files Should you wish to connect remotely to a SQL Anywhere server and do not want to install the full server on each client machine, you will need to obtain the following files from an OSX server installation. These files are all dependencies of the dbodbc10_r.bundle (the multi-threaded driver) and should also be present on the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH search path:
Using the SQL Anywhere ODBC DAM with SQL Anywhere 11 Please note that the libraries supplied with SQL Anywhere 11 are named differently to those supplied with SQL Anywhere 10. For example, the ODBC driver file is named "libdbodbc11_r.dylib" instead of "libdbodbc10_r.dylib" and the ODBC Administration library is named "libdbodm11.dylib" instead of " libdbodm10.dylib". For this reason it is necessary to create a symbolic link using a terminal window as follows:
If your package managed doesn't have such a driver available, you have to downloadthe FreeTDS source code and compile it. Usually installing from source is a great way to go but it is more involved for the average user.
unixODBC needs to know about all ODBC driversyou intend to use. The best way to accomplished this is using the ODBCConfiggraphical program which comes with unixODBC. An alternative method is touse the 'odbcinst' command which also comes with unixODBC. We will focuson using the odbcinst command. Create a file named tds.driver.templatewith a few lines describing the driver.[FreeTDS]Description = v0.63 with protocol v8.0Driver = /usr/local/freetds/lib/libtdsodbc.sotds.driver.templateExecute odbcinst, telling it to install adriver entry using the tds.driver.template file. Note that you must leavea space between the '-f' switch and the template file name.
Note; we have executed previous commandsas root (denoted by leading '#' character on given commands) but here weexecute the command as a regular user. This is significant. All users ofthe system share FreeTDS and the ODBC Drivers but each user has his/herown list of DSN's (view odbcinst output for help on registering as a system DSN available to all users). So create the DSN as the user who is going to be using it.$ odbcinst -i -s -f tds.datasource.template create ODBC data sourceNow, to make this work with PHP is very easy. Assuming you have a package manager, download and install the odbc extension for PHP if it isn't already installed.If you don't have a package manager, you will have to compile To enable odbc in PHP, just modify the php.ini file, usually located in /etc. Add this line anywhere in the file (convention dictates that it should be placed with the otherextension calls, so search your file for the word "extension").
OpenOffice by a multiplatform and multilingual office suite. It is compatible with major office suites, and is free to download, use, and distribute. With OpenOffice's support for ODBC, you can create queries to include database results in word processor and spreadsheet documents.
In order to connect to any of the supported database, the relative JDBC and .NET Drivers are required for configuring the database connection. All of the required JDBC and .Net Drivers are not bundled with Visual Paradigm. Yet, you can get the driver files by using the automatic download function provided, or to have them manually downloaded.
Randall2nd RE: How do I open a SQL Anywhere ".db" file? 2 GeppoDarkson (Programmer)18 Mar 03 10:04Hi,If it is a Sybase(now Adaptive) SQL-Anywhere you have to install it on your PC: it could be Stand-Alone or Client-Server.After the installation you will be able to make your ODBC entry to connect with your database using BDE, ADO etc.To do this run the ODBC manager, System DSN, [Add], choose Adaptive Server Anywhere 8, and then fill [ODBC] DataSourceName with MyOdbcToAnywhere //You will find this later in Delphi[Login] UserID:dba Password:sql //default usr & pwd[Database] [Browse] and fill the DatabaseFile.This is the minimun required to let it work as stand-alone.After this Open Delphi, put a [BDE].TDatabase on a form, in Database1.AliasName you will find MyOdbcToAnywhere.Give a DatabaseName (for example MyOdbcToAnywhereInForm1) and refer Table1.DatabseName to MyOdbcToAnywhereInForm1.With Ado is the same: ADOConnection1.ConnectionString [Build]->Microsoft OleDBProvider for ODBC,DataSourceNAme->MyOdbcToAnywhereUsing Client-Server is transparent to Delphi: you should have a runnig DatabaseServer Start->Run->"C:\Programmi\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 8\win32\dbsrv8.exe" -c 8m -n asademo8 "C:\Programmi\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 8\asademo.db"this publish the server with the name asademo8 (-n asademo8).in ODBC Setting you should put asademo8 in ServerName and DatabaseName instead of DatabaseFile (if my memory works well).Thats all.P.S. if you still have problems try to open the database with SybaseCentral. 90% of times the problems belongs to the log file, wich is created at a fixed position (C:\pippo\adfsjf\MyDb.log) Just remove it from SybaseCentral->ChangeLogFileinformations.Hope this can be usefull.Ciao,GeppoDarkson. RE: How do I open a SQL Anywhere ".db" file? randall2nd (Programmer)(OP)18 Mar 03 10:48Wow! :) thanks for the info, very explanatory.You said:"If it is a Sybase(now Adaptive) SQL-Anywhere you have to install it on your PC: it could be Stand-Alone or Client-Server." I am pretty sure it is stand alone, since the original app connected to it on the same desktop machine.My question on this is, How do I install "it"? All I have is just the file "mydata.db". I do not have powerbuilder on the same machine as I have Delphi. Is there way to get to the driver for ASA, or the files to install it from Powerbuilder. Is there a site to download these install files? Is there a way to connect to it without using the BDE or installing any files? Randall2nd RE: How do I open a SQL Anywhere ".db" file? GeppoDarkson (Programmer)19 Mar 03 11:36Hi,Note that PowerBuilder probably don't use ODBC to connect to the database, it uses internal "private" links.Usually you should have a Sybase SQLAnywhere CD to install the database. I don't say you should try to get a copy of this CD, but...If You don't have it, check if you have at least all the required dll installed, then make a "very dirty" hand-made ODBC installation following this steps:1) Look if you have C:\Programmi\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 8\win32\dbodbc8.dllor something like dbodbc[VersionNr].dllIf you don't have it, you're out.2) Regedit the registry and add the following node (If miss)**** REGISTRY ******************************************HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0Under this node i have tree values (in italian)NOME TIPO DATI(Predefinito) REG_SZ (valore non impostato)Driver REG_SZ C:\Programmi\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 8\win32\dbodbc8.dllSetup REG_SZ C:\Programmi\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 8\win32\dbodbc8.dll**** End REGISTRY ******************************************In C:\Winnt\ODBCI.INI**** ODBCI.INI ******************************************[ODBC 32 bit Data Sources]MyOdbcToAnywhere=Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0 (32 bit)[MyOdbcToAnywhere]Driver32=C:\Programmi\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 8\win32\dbodbc8.dll**** End ODBCI.INI *****************************************I'm not sure it can work, I strongly raccomand You to install ODBC Drivers using the setup CD.Ciao,GeppoDarkson. RE: How do I open a SQL Anywhere ".db" file? randall2nd (Programmer)(OP)19 Mar 03 14:39THANKS A BUNCH !!!! I will try and see if I can scrounge up an install CD of somesort, I am guessing that there should at least be one around for installing Powerbuilder. Hopefully that should have what I need.If not I will have to go scrounging for the dll you mentioned. And have to do the "dirty" connect.Thanks again for all your help Randall2nd RE: How do I open a SQL Anywhere ".db" file? yomyom (Programmer)21 Mar 03 09:50If I wanted to use ms sql in my delphi how would I do that?Please have mercy on me, I'm like a fish out of water if i'm not using paradox. But I understand that paradox is no good for a multi-user environment.I use a stand alone delphi 4, and it dosen't even have interbase though I have interbase from my delphi2 cd.I can't even get interbase tables to show in my D4 ide i.e I don't know how to connect to them.The database component is not clear. Please if you say datamodules, then please explain them well, well, 'cause I don't even know what they are.I remain ignorant....but thanks in-advance for oyur help.yom-yom. RE: How do I open a SQL Anywhere ".db" file? GeppoDarkson (Programmer)21 Mar 03 11:13Hi,Using Paradox table or SQL-Server it's not so different:Take the BDE as example (even if it's officially death)You put a TDabase on the form.The AliasName can be filled either with a BDE alias or with a ODBC entry (that you should create before).After this, put a TTAble, and give it the DatabaseName=Database1.DatabaseNameIf It refers to a BDE Alias, when you open the TTable.TableName lookup you will find all the tables in that alias (C:\Programmi\File comuni\Borland Shared\Data\*.db)If TDabase.AliasName is a valid ODBC entry to SQLServer you will find the tables inside the database.That's all.From here on you can work (more or less) in the same way.To clear some trouble on TDatabase:** TDatabase.AliasName refers to an ODBC-Entry or BDE Alias** TDatabase.DatabsaeName is the name you should put in ** TTAble.DatabaseName: by doing so you can change the TDatabase.AliasName From "WorkAlias" to "TestAlias" and all the TTAbles and TQuery taken the data from the new location.** TDatabase.DriverName: the kind of "connection" you are using: PARADOX (internal via BDE), ODBC; DirectLinks and so on.Note that you can access MS-SQLServer via ODBC or via "DirectLink".The simplest way is to use ODBC as described in the first reply, because the second way should be faster but more complex to setup.Ciao,Geppo Darkson. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1406030581151-2'); }); Red Flag This PostPlease let us know here why this post is inappropriate. 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