Software Topsis Excel
Software Topsis Excel >>
Decision matrix Normalized decision matrix Best to the worst score for each criterion Presenting all steps of Topsis with the table and formula as a stepwise process. download the excel file download the word file
Decision matrix Normalized decision matrix Best to the worst score for each criterion Presenting all steps of the fuzzy Topsis with the table and formula as a stepwise process. download the excel file download the word file
This software is developed in order to facilitate the multi criteria decision making process or Multi Alternative Decision Making ( MCDM or MADM ). The MCDM problems can be analyzed based on four most popular algorithms, namely, SAW ( Simple Additive Weighting ), ELECTRE ( ELimination and Choice Expressing Reality ), TOPSIS ( Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution ) and VIKOR .
In this study, a new model has been developed for the order selection problem for a bakery firm located in Turkey. We consider a combined order selection and process planning problem where a make-to-order bakery goods producer firm has to determine a set of orders to process so as to maximize the total profit. The developed model combines setup costs, sales price, lot size, demand and other important daily data of the products. After collecting the related data, fuzzy TOPSIS method is used to obtain the rankings of the orders (bread types). Then, the ranking scores are incorporated in the knapsack problem to determine the lot size and which orders to select. A computer application is also provided in the paper. With the help of MS Excel Visual Basic program, the computer application updates data daily, ranks the products, determines the lot size, and helps the decision maker with the selection of orders. The computational results show that the proposed method presented better results than the current method applied in the firm. Comparing the two methods in terms of cost reduction, the proposed method gives better results than the current method with 27%. Furthermore, the proposed computer program does not need extra special software or a commercial computer program, which is favorable for small-size enterprises.
SDI Tools is a set of commercial software add-in tools for Microsoft Excel developed and distributed by Statistical Design Institute, LLC., a privately owned company located in Texas, United States.
In this online Certificate Course, you can learn the complete process (A-Z) fromscratch to production. How to select parameters and why, download raster and vector data,processing data, images in ArcGIS environment, justification of variables, step by stepguide of TOPSIS, VIKOR and EDAS in excel, produced prediction map applying AHP method ingroundwater potentiality and stress zonation using ArcGIS. Moreover, you will also learnvalidation of the susceptibility map in SPSS software.
The wood fiber industry has a complex and sensitive supply chain. Consumers and suppliers across the wood fiber supply industry share a highly dynamic relationship, but they lack a structured technique to evaluate and improve the flow of information and materials. The goal of this study was to develop a mathematical model based on supplier selection and assessment criteria using structured, multi-criteria decision-making methods. The first method was the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the second method was the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). These methods were chosen based on their acceptance and use in previous research. The hybrid model was implemented as a software tool based on Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic. The tool improved the way in which wood product firms selected their suppliers and guaranteed that the best available alternatives were selected, thus increasing the chance of a successful supplier-consumer relationship and increasing the value that the company receives from its supplier base. Seven interviews were conducted in the wood fiber industry to validate the tool. The tool was found to be applicable and a valuable approach, as reported by most participants.
The research was performed in four phases: the identification of criteria for supplier selection, design of a supplier selection model, implementation of the model in a software application, and validation of the application. This methodological sequence is represented in Fig. 2.
The proposed hybrid AHP-TOPSIS model was implemented as a software tool in Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic. This tool incorporated all the functions of the theoretical model selected. The supplier selection and assessment tool (SSAT) allowed company practitioners to obtain a ranking for the alternative suppliers that were being evaluated, which enabled the personnel in the procurement and supply chain departments to identify the best suppliers to work with, increasing the value received from purchasing. As a selection tool, the SSAT can be used when the company needs to add a new supplier to its supply network and must decide between a given number of alternatives. As an assessment tool, it can be used to identify which current suppliers are the best performing, from whom the company should buy more, with whom the company should pursue a stronger relationship, and which supplier or suppliers could be removed if the company needs to reduce its supplier base. The following sections present an example of the use of the software application, that was exercised with one of companies interviewed to validate the model and application.
F-test in excel is a statistical tool that helps us decide whether the variances of two populations having normal distribution are equal or not. F-test is an essential part of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) model. 2b1af7f3a8